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Meet Matt, he is our graphic design manager. Want to get to know Matt a little better? You’re in luck, here are some fun facts about him.

Where are you from and what brought you to the Minneapolis area?  Born in the Bronx, NY – what brought me here was the idyllic Midwestern postwar suburban lifestyle, including the birth of the shopping mall.

Do you have any fun or interesting hobbies? I love making arcade joysticks, t-shirts, and hanging out in shopping malls.

How in the heck did you get into screen printing? It’s one of the best ways to bring designs into the real world.

Do you have a favorite type of screen printing?  Anything that surprises or seems different from the norm is good, such as using discharge or water-based inks in offbeat ways.

What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?  Swiss chocolate.

Who would win in a fight between a taco and a grilled cheese? Taco, because spice can be violent.

If you could be a monkey, what type of monkey would you be? A small ape with Pantone Cool Gray 10 colored fur.

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